Lets Talk:
Mindful Masculinity
I was honored to be part of the 9% of applicants admitted to participate in the Snap Lens Academy in the summer of 2023. This project-based program focuses on augmented reality and included multiple projects in 3D, JavaScript, UX, and UI design.
This case was my final project during the culmination of this nine-week program.
Project Manager
Lens Developer
Media Producer
Management APPROACH
File System: 
Implemented a File Management System (FMS) on a cloud-based platform.

Defined FMS protocols and established name conventions.
Work Environment Setup:
Suggested the use of collaborative spaces to enhance collaboration and streamline the iteration processes; I developed a dashboard on Figma and set up a Whiteboard on Figjam.
Team Building:
I led a team setup exercise, fostering open dialogue about personal qualifications, roles, availability, goals, and expectations for the project. 
Set Up the Timeline and Divide up the Work.  
Defined project milestones, allocated individual work responsibilities, and structured the workflow.
Primary Research: 
I interviewed a gay man to understand his experiences and thoughts on masculinity and gender expectations.
A major takeaway was the need for LGBTQ+ support that focuses on social causes rather than commercial branding. Additionally, we discussed the ongoing struggle of individuals defining themselves based on others' perceptions instead of embracing their self-identity. 
Secondary Research:
Leah Felty conducted bibliographic and online research to support claims made during interviews and subsequent conversations. Her research emphasized gender constraints and unhealthy stereotypes of masculinity, including prevalent discourse on violence, sexism, and homophobia.
Competitive Analysis:
We spent some time looking at the way that other industries are addressing the topic of mental health. I looked into the way big game companies are introducing the stereotype of positive masculinity.
Concept Design
Using a three-stage brainstorming exercise we funneled down to the central topic before moving on with the research. 
Our Goals: 
•We want everyone to feel included, regardless of their gender identity.
•We want to give them a reason to care about this.
•We want to spark a conversation.
We Don't Want:
•Our message to be misinterpreted
•To exclude people
•Make people feel undermined
•Fail to communicate a positive message in a clear way
Main Ideas
Main Ideas
Similarity Grouping
Similarity Grouping
Final Concept Design
Final Concept Design
Leah Felty - Concept Sketch
Leah Felty - Concept Sketch
Andres Muñoz - Ux/ Ui Sketch
Andres Muñoz - Ux/ Ui Sketch
Devyn Nettles - Concept Sketch
Devyn Nettles - Concept Sketch
We use a linear storyline to present the user with facts as they explore the lens, discovering facts relevant to specific topics as they move through the storyline. 
Call To Action
After reviewing the front lenses, users can customize masks and backgrounds. They are encouraged to share their stories to promote awareness and community.
Continue Interaction
When the user switches to the back camera, they enter a cozy 3D environment called "Your Safe Space." This space includes a breathing exercise that allows the user to process any information that resonated in their head. The meditation exercise can start and stop at any time. Additionally, we provide links to external resources such as the Crisis Line, Mental Health Center, Suicide Prevention Center, and LGBTQ+ Center of LA.


   Back-end Mechanics
Impact and INsigths 

Develop iterations of the lens to make space for communities that are often silenced
I want to collaborate with various visual artists to showcase their work through augmented reality. With the customizable lens, we can launch targeted iterations for diverse audiences.
Allow access to organizations from the lens UI and the Snap Map
As unofficial snap creators, we had limited permissions to link external resources. However, a Snap executive offered help to enable a link to mental health services, crisis lines, and other resources promoting positive masculinity as part of Snap's commitment to creating a better future.

Developing a Multiplayer Experience Inside the Safe Space
One of the latest updates to Lens Studio includes the option to enable a multiplayer experience which presents an exciting opportunity to create communication channels for individuals who may otherwise feel isolated through the use of the platform.